This is a 554 page A4 publication. To simplify the structure of the book, it has been divided into the following major sections:
Topics will however by
alphabetically arranged (as in an
encyclopedia) so as to make it easier for the reader to zoom into one
area of interest (see alphabetical list below).
cross-referencing will enable the reader to link to all other associated topics.
National and sectoral plans and frameworks along with relevant legislation.
Workplace learning programmes and Artisan Development are the primary focus, but the section will also look at other workplace learning theory, projects, resources and emerging good practice.
Sectors and organisations playing a key role, as well as key recent developments in each sector, and their future outlook.
The value chain of learning (as it applies in a workplace learning context): planning, funding, design, delivery and quality assurance.
Key decision makers and thought leaders (please recommend more in the "comments box" below if you feel they should be included).
Alphabetical topic list
The list below is not an exhaustive source of all topics covered in the Handbook, but rather the top level ones as they will appear in the alphabetical table of contents. A key word index at the back of the publication will be more detailed.
Acronyms, List of
Agricultural SETA – AGRISETA
Alliance for Private Providers of Education, Training & Development - APPETD
American Society for Training and Development - ASTD
Artisan Development
Artisan Development - Dual-Artisan Model
Artisan Development - Funding
Artisan Development - RPL
Artisan Development - Success stories
Assessment Quality Partners
Association for Skills Development in South Africa - ASDSA
Association of Colleges for South Africa - AOCSA
BEE Codes (new)
Boland College for FET
Buffalo City FET
Cadetships Capricorn FET
Career Advice Services CCFOs
Central Johannesburg College for FET
Chartered Institute for the Management of Assessment Practice - CIMAP
CHE Chemical Industries SETA – CHIETA
Coaches & Mentors of South Africa - COMENSA
Coaches & Mentors Coastal KZN FET
College of Cape Town FET
Communities of Expert Practice
Construction SETA – CETA
Consultative Panels
Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality & Sport SETA – CATHSSETA
Deadlines, List of
Delivery - Overview
Design - Overview
Development Quality Partners
Disability and Workplace Learning
Discretionary Grant (DG), The
Eastcape Midlands College for FET
Education, Training & Development - ETDPSETA
Ehlanzeni FET College
Ekurhuleni East College for FET
Ekurhuleni West College for FET
Elangeni FET
Energy & Water SETA – EWSETA
Esayidi FET Institution
Events, List of
Evidence Facilitators
False Bay College for FET
FET Sector - CET Colleges
FET Sector - College Industry Partnerships
FET Sector - Funding
FET Sector - Governance
FET Sector - Lecturer development
FET Sector - Migration Provincial to National
FET Sector - Revised NCV
FET Sector - Revised N-Programmes
FET Sector - Sector Overview
FET Sector - Success stories
FET Sector - The turnaround strategy
FET Sector - Workplace learning opportunities
Fibre, Processing & Manufacturing SETA – FPMSETA
Finance & Accounting SETA – FASSET
Flavius Mareka College for FET
Food & Beverages SETA – FOODBEV
Foreign Agencies
Foundational Learning Competence
Funding - Overview
Funding Agencies
Gert Sibande FET College
Goldfields College for FET
Green Paper on PSET
Green Sector - Overview
Green Sector - Plans
Green Sector - Projects
HE Sector - Academic Changes
HE Sector - Administrative Changes
HE Sector - New Universities
HE Sector - Overview
HE Sector - Success stories
Health & Welfare SETA – HWSETA
HR Standards & Metrics Project
HRD Strategies
HRD Strategy
Ikhala FET
Institute for People Management - IPM
Insurance SETA – INSETA
Internships ISOEs
Jobs Fund, The
King Hintsa FET College
King Sabata FET
Labour Market Intelligence Partnership
Learnership grants
Learnng design theory
Legislation, List of
Lephalale FET
Letaba FET
Level Descriptors Levy Grant System, The
Local Government SETA – LGSETA
Lovedale FET
Majuba FET Institution
Maluti College for FET
Mandatory Grant (MG), The
Manufacturing & Engineering SETA – MERSETA
Media, Information & Communication Technologies SETA – MICTS
Mining & Minerals SETA – MQA
Ministerial Task Teams
Mnambithi FET Institution
Mopani South East
Motheo College for FET
Mthashana FET Institution
Multi-stakeholder Bodies
NAMB, The (Organisations)
NAMB, The (Programmes)
National Development Plan
National Economic Empowerment Trust (NEET)
National Industrial Policy Framework
National Learner Record Database
National planning
National Policy for the Implementation of the Recognition of Prior Learning
National Qualifications Framework
National Skills Accord National Skills Fund (NSF) Windows
National Students Financial Aid Scheme
National Tooling Initiative, The
New Growth Path, The
Nkangala FET College
Northern Cape Rural College for FET
Northern Cape Urban College for FET
Northlink FET College
NQF Learning Design
NSF, The
Occupational Instructors
Occupational Teams (SIPs)
Occupational Trainer
OQF Orbit College for FET
Organisations - Overview
Organising Framework for Occupations
PEOPLE - Business - Brian Angus
PEOPLE - Business - Dean Retief
PEOPLE - Business - Ken Duncan
PEOPLE - Business - Marius Meyer
PEOPLE - Business - Nolita Fakude
PEOPLE - Business - Shirley Zinn
PEOPLE - Government - Blade Nzimande
PEOPLE - Government - Ebrahim Patel
PEOPLE - Government - Joe Samuels
PEOPLE - Government - Joyce Mashabela
PEOPLE - Government - Kgalema Mothlanthe
PEOPLE - Government - Peliwe Lolwana
PEOPLE - Government - Trevor Manuel
PEOPLE - Labour - Bhabhali ka Nhlapo
PEOPLE - Labour - Bheki Ntshalintshali
PEOPLE - Labour - Daryl McLean
PEOPLE - Labour - Malebo Mogopodi
PEOPLE - Overview
Pivotal Grant, The
Pivotal Programmes Planning
PLANS - Overview
Port Elizabeth College for FET
Private Providers
PROCESSES - Overview
Professional Bodies & Designations
Public FET's - Overview
Public Sector - Overview
Public Sector - Professionalising the public service
Public Sector - Sector Skills Plan
Public Sector - Success stories
Public Sector - The CIP
Public Sector SETA – PSETA
Public Providers
QCTO - Compliance Officer
QCTO - Criticisms. myths & misperceptions
QCTO - Foundational Learning Competence
QCTO - Nedbank Experience
QCTO - Participating professional bodies
QCTO - Qualifications in development
QCTO - Registered qualifications
QCTO - Success stories
QCTO - Trades
Qualification Development Facilitators
Quality Councils
Quality Assurance - Overview
Quality Partners
Representative Bodies
RPL Practitioners
Safety & Security SETA – SASSETA
Sector Skills Planning
Sedibeng College for FET
Sekhukhune FET College
Services SETA – SSETA
SETAs - FET College Partnerships
SETAs - Funding
SETAs - Governance
SETAs - Grant Regulations, New
SETAs - NSDS III Achievements
SETAs - Pivotal Programmes
SETAs - Rural Development
SETAs - Sector Overview
SETAs - Sector Skills Plans
SETAs - The Future
SETAs, The - Overview
Skills Development Facilitators
Skills Development Levy (SDL), The
Skills Programmes
South African Board for People Practices - SABPP
South African Institute for Vocational & Continuiing Education & Training - SAIVCET
South Cape College for FET
South West Gauteng College for FET
Standards Generating Bodies
Strategic Infrastructure Projects
Taletso College for FET
Thekwini College for FET
Trades, The listed
Training Needs Analysis
Transport SETA – TETA
Tshwane North College for FET
Tshwane South College for FET
Twelve Priority Outcomes
Twitter handles, List of
Umfolozi FET Institution
Umgungundlovu FET Institution
Unit standards
Vhembe FET College
Vuselela FET College
Waterberg FET College
West Coast FET College
Westcol FET
Wholesale & Retail SETA - W&RSETA
WIL Guidelines
WIL Partnerships and Innovation Unit
Work Integrated Learning Programmes
Workplace Learning
Workplace Skills Planning
Youth Employment Scheme
- The information shown here is the draft table of contents and
may change before publication. I would be really interested in hearing
if there is anything relevant that you feel has been left out. Please
use the comments facility at the bottom of the page to provide feedback
and suggestions
- Thanks to MindMaple for the beta version of their mind map creator that was used to create these maps.
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